Sleete On The Street

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Get expert sales advice from Jeff Sleete through our latest interviews and articles. With over 50 years in the broadcast industry, Jeff shares practical strategies for overcoming objections and achieving sales success, drawing from real-world examples and renowned sales techniques. Stay updated with valuable insights from one of the industry’s top professionals.

Sleete On The Street | Channeling Charlie Hustle: The Pete Rose approach to sales success | Sleete Sales Scripts, LLC | Media Sales Consultant | Sales Training | SleeteSales.com

Channeling Charlie Hustle: The Pete Rose approach to sales success

Pete Rose wasn’t born with exceptional talents. He was not fast. He wasn’t graceful like DiMaggio or Ken Griffy. He didn’t have a strong arm like Roberto Clemente (or Al Kaline). What he did have was a consistent effort to give his all and get the maximum out of the abilities he possessed. That is the key to being an All-Star Seller — consistency of effort. A thirst to win! You have to hustle!

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SLEET ON SALES Want to close more media sales? Take some advice from 'Sam I Am' | Sleete Sales Scripts, LLC | Media Sales Consultant | Sales Training

Want to close more media sales? Take some advice from ‘Sam I Am’

In his article for E&P Magazine, Jeff Sleete emphasizes the persistence needed in sales, noting that 98% of sales are not made on the first call. He discusses the myriad reasons why prospective advertisers might initially decline an offer, such as budget constraints, loyalty to other media partners, or simply not feeling the urgency to buy. Sleete draws parallels to the famous sales case in “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss, illustrating the importance of overcoming objections through repeated, varied offers. He encourages media sellers to continuously pitch their ideas to all potential clients, embodying the persistence of “Sam I Am” to eventually secure sales.

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